2. You have three basic choices: raw linseed oil, stand oil or "boiled" linseed oil. Using a fine-bristled brush, apply the first light coat of polyurethane over your boiled linseed oil. You can apply water-based polyurethane over oil-based as long as you set suitable conditions for this to happen effectively. The second layer of linseed oil can be applied undiluted. When using Boiled Linseed Oil or Poly I mixed then 50/05 with mineral spirits. In fact you can thin additional coats by about 10%. Remember, the stain is much thinner . Wipe off the excess oil after this. This is my standard formula. Anything from polyurethane, lacquer, and of course varnish, will happily sit atop a finishing oil and seal it in. Boiling linseed oil can be very difficult to work with because the oil is very thick and slow to dry. Apply a thin, even coat of paint. If you are afraid of mixing up the gun parts, label them. With water based varnishes such as polyurethane or lacquer you can stop around a 180-220 grit. If you apply polyurethane before the linseed oil is thoroughly dry, the linseed oil and polyurethane will mix right on the wood and create an oil/varnish blend, which will never get hard. Live. Step 3 - Add the Oil. Now, drying and curing may appear to be . Some people say it won't dry, but I haven't found that to be a problem with this finish on the outside of a piece. Leave for about 30 minutes, and then wipe down any excess liquid using the sponge . Doing this goes way back, at least well back into the 19 th century. It takes a long time for boiled linseed to polymerize dry. You will get the look and protection you want all in one step. Mix them together. The liquid coating . Stand oil is usually found at artist supply shops. . After sanding the second coat, apply the final coat. After a full dry 24 - 72 hours later . Then using a dye to make a large difference in the color will make the wood look kind of fake like it was a vinyl print. The primary trouble in using linseed oil is that raw linseed oil takes a long time to cure, up to two weeks in a dry, well-ventilated area and, ultimately, a couple of months if it is applied to surfaces that are exposed to extreme heat, cold, or high humidity. A maximum protective layer can be built up. It does not, however, harden well, which is the job of the polyurethane. Yes! If you plan to use oil-base poly, it's best to use dewaxed shellac to improve adhesion with the poly. Manufacturers adjust the proportions to affect sheen and hardness. Ingredients and Supplies Needed. If so, rub the wood down with mineral spirits to remove as much of the oil as possible before painting over it. What oil is similar to linseed oil? Oil-based finishes amber over time so do not use with light or white colors. Polyurethane is a finish that comes as an oil blend. Yes, you can mix and blend linseed oil together with mineral spirits. You can also use mineral spirits . Two or three brushed coats should be all you need. What can you mix linseed oil with? Remember, the stain is much thinner . . So, it can be tempting to think that applying a thick poly coat is the best way to protect it. No one formula is a magic finish. Already sanded it down and added one coat of boiled linseed oil. You do tend to see an increase in drying time, but contrary to many statement to the contrary online the oil will cure perfectly well under a coat of poly, because the varnish is not at all a perfect oxygen barrier. You'll probably need to rub down between coats with something like 280 grit 320 grit stearated paper to knock . The question is: can I put water-based polyurethane over that? Drying Linseed Oil is the fastest drying linseed oil. You can mix a little turp with linseed oil to speed up drying. Polyurethane is a biodegradable material that can be broken down into specific pieces, each of which has health benefits. Linseed-oil stains are wiped on, become opaque when dry, and mix well with pigments. I'm not usre why the minwax guy told you. Remove excess oil with a clean, dry . Mix up a 50/50 solution of boiled linseed oil and turpentine. Apply the epoxy first, sand it, and then put the oil on. Using a water-based polyurethane to seal boiled linseed oil is safer and more environmentally friendly than raw linseed oil, which can take two to 10 weeks to cure fully. . It's the same way they finish cedar-strip canoes except canoes like a spar varnish. It won't keep for longer unless you can exclude oxygen (it will skin over, or gel in the jar). Yes, broadly speaking you can do this and there is no real penalty. You can put almost any oil-based finish you want over a natural oil such as linseed oil. This will work fine. Advertisement. For outdoor uses, you can substitute spar varnish for regular polyurethane. doesn't have any advantages in your situation. Please allow up to 6 hours for water-based poly to dry and 24 hours for oil-based poly to dry. Polyurethane *** - The urethane helps the boiled linseed oil to harden and therefore protects against water damage and other elements. Apply the new water-based finish following the . Click to see full answer. Rub Boiled Linseed Oil into the surface and allow 5 to 10 minutes to penetrate the wood. Boiling linseed oil can be very difficult to work with because the oil is very thick and slow to dry. What about shellac and lacquer and wax? - Tru Oil is polymerized tung oil finish, but it is not like 100% Tung oil, it is actually a varnish. You can mix oil-based polyurethane with oil stain to create a mixture with your desired color and consistency. Finally, the oil-base varnish provides a lot of durability (e.g., wear, water and chemical resistance). based poly (spar is oil based). Patrick Patrick. It is a great way to encourage pure linseed oil to dry faster. Yes, the two together gives great shades. Making your own oil/varnish blends is a great way to save money. The longer the compound is left on, the darker the color will be. When mixing polyurethane and wood stain, ensure the two solutions have the same base. Today, most products labeled as "boiled linseed oil" are a combination of raw linseed oil, petroleum-based solvent, and metallic dryers (catalysts . I do similar, all in one step, mixing 33% each of BLO, Sealcoat, and Pine Turpentine. Immediately wipe on dewaxed shellac. You can modify it in many ways. Shellac is a good choice over linseed oil because it will adhere well even if the oil isn't fully cured. While for most 50 percent stain to 50 percent polyurethane will do the job, if you want you can mix them in any other ratio depending on the color and consistency you need to achieve. The standard mixture is 1/3 Boiled Linseed Oil or Tung Oil, 1/3 thinner (mineral spirits, paint thinner, turpentine, naptha), and 1/3 varnish (poly, spar . Applying Boiled Linseed Oil - Properly . This helps any bubbles in the finish work their way out. The bottom line is that pure linseed oil can be very difficult to work with, particularly in a case where it is a wood floor or deck . Improve this question. Click to see full answer. There are also some synthetic finishes like polyurethane which will offer adequate protection to wood both indoors and outdoors. It comes in multiple forms that you have to choose from. Then mix about 1/3 of each: gloss oil based urethane, Thomson's Danish oil (or Watco), and naphtha. Apply a thin and even coat. Oil . If you apply polyurethane before the linseed oil is thoroughly dry, the linseed oil and polyurethane will mix right on the wood and create an oil/varnish blend, which will never get hard. Yes, assuming you are using an oil-based polyurethane they are perfectly compatible. They are easy to uses because the linseed oil ( occasionally a mixture of linseed oil and varnish) binder gives you alot of time to do away with the excess stain before the formula . Boiled Linseed Oil Suitable mixing container with a lid for air tight storage between coats Clean rag for wiping excess. . Also to know is, how do you use boiled linseed oil? Apply Oil. . 3. Get out a sealable metal container and mix the following: 1 part Mineral Spirits (paint thinner is fine too) 1 part Boiled Linseed Oil (BLO) 1 part Satin Polyurethane. Rub Boiled Linseed Oil into the surface and allow 5 to 10 minutes to penetrate the wood. Yes, you can add linseed oil to Polyurethane. That's generally used for outdoor applications, and. Amongst the multiple finishes that you can get, the focus is on linseed oil. A standard hand-rubbed oil blend consists of one-part oil (either Tung or boiled . You can purchase pre-blended Tung oil and linseed oil products— or you can mix your own for a custom finish. Apply a thin, even coat of paint. More wood finishing tutorials https://stumpynubs.com. . Keep it in a squeeze bottle and keep shaking to keep it mixed. Oils sink deep into the wood, and although they . Boiled linseed oil Boiled linseed oil is used as a paint binder or as a wood finish on its own. You can make your own. Like other hand-rubbed oil finishes, linseed oil saturates deep into the wood grain to protect against scratches and changes in humidity. •. Tung oil is more water-resistant than linseed oil. Please allow up to 6 hours for water-based poly to dry and 24 hours for oil-based poly to dry. A varnish which uses Tung oil as a base or main ingredient. -Danish Oil is boiled linseed oil, polyurethane, and mineral spirits. While I do not know the actual solvent amount, the thinness of commercial Danish oil finish suggests an amount greater than this recipe. The answer to your question is, yes, you can add oil based stain to oil. Mix them together. Do NOT substitute paint thinner, "turps", or any other similar solvent. Equal parts boiled linseed oil, polyurethane varnish (oil based), and mineral spirits (paint thinner). Pays to buy the flakes and mix them with denatured alcohol to the cut you need, since it works best when it . Spray the first light coat of polyurethane over the boiling linseed oil with a fine-bristled brush. 2. Combine the wood stain and polyurethane by pouring equal portions of each product in a separate container. Tung oil creates a harder, more durable finish than linseed oil. First, use a tinted grain filler that is compatible with oil based finish. I have used Boiled Linseed Oil, Mineral Oil, Polyurethane, etc. Mixing oils and varnishes by do it yourselfers has been done for a long time. You can you use Tung oil or other naturally-extracted oils. Follow asked Nov 15, 2017 at 22:26. However, you do not need to thin out boiled linseed oil as this oil finish already has solvents added to it that are designed to help it dry quickly. If you really, really, don't care about lightfastness, paint permanence, and brittleness, then you have a few choices out of the local supermarket: Safflower oil. Furniture: Boiled Linseed Oil can be used to develop the full warmth and richness of unfinished wood and increase its resistance to water-marks, scratches and warping. However, the advantages of this natural finish are worth the learning curve. Furniture: Boiled Linseed Oil can be used to develop the full warmth and richness of unfinished wood and increase its resistance to water-marks, scratches and warping. You can use a roller, brush, or even cloth to apply the polyurethane. And it is the basic formula used by Watco Danish Oil and other brands. 1 - Higher Solids Content: Mentioned above, commercial finishes purportedly have higher ratios of solvent. Yes 1:1:1 is how many people mix theirs. Here are the three main things I like about mixing my own Danish Oil finish. Tip 3). Adding a drying oil, such as tung or linseed oil to a varnish which contains a resin such as alkyd or polyurethane, makes the resulting dried finish more flexible. I have even used equal parts of Poly, BLO, and MS. . As a result, the agent is slightly thinner, and, in particular, the first layer can penetrate the wood well. The more oil you use the more like oil it will behave, the more varnish you use the more like varnish it will behave. . - Please wait for it to dry after you've finished. If you do not wipe off the excess oil, it will cause a sticky surface to build up. As an additive in oil paint that enhances color and workability. During the procedure of applying polyurethane over boiled linseed oil, apply the first coat and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes. A stain and polyurethane decorate, protect your wooden structure. Most likely it was not fully cured. While for most 50 percent stain to 50 percent polyurethane will do the job, if you want you can mix them in any other ratio depending on the color and consistency you need to achieve. You can thin the first coat with about 10%-20% thinners to help it flow out. But the second answer is "it's fine as long as the BLO is cured first." Ensure that you remove dirt, grease, and wax from the surface by scrubbing the surface using a wood cleaner or de-glosser. For water-based poly, please give it up to 6 hours of drying time, while for oil-based, you'll have to wait for 24 hours. . So-called long oil has the richest mix of oil, . Various combinations have been used. Scuff the wood with 320-grit sandpaper to . Please wait for it to dry after you've finished. There is a durable slick finish that can be done after the oil has had time to dry. Answer (1 of 2): Turpentine is a fast-drying medium. But, the opposite is true. Heating the oil causes it to polymerize and oxidize, making it thicker and shortening its drying time. When you put linseed oil over polyurethane, you'll create a finish known as "French polish.". As a nutritional supplement with many health benefits. followed by 220, 300 and then 400 grit. Using a water-based polyurethane to seal boiled linseed oil is safer and more environmentally friendly than raw linseed oil, which can take two to 10 weeks to cure fully. And then lightly scuff the Tru oil surface in long steady strokes. Boiled linseed oil can take months to fully cure, especially if it is applied a bit . Applying Polyurethane. An oil/varnish blended finish is generally a mix of boiled linseed oil (BLO), mineral spirits, and varnish or poly resins. Wipe off the dust, and you're ready for oil. This finishing technique is great for all woodworking projects and brings out the natural beauty in wood. Mixing Tung oil and Polyurethane can cause problems. Raw linseed oil takes significantly longer to cure than pure tung oil. Regardless of how it is applied, remove any excess oil from the surface by wiping it with a cloth after about 15 minutes. Liberally apply the mixture to the wood using a cotton rag. This will prevent a sticky surface. Rule of thumbs: slow after fast, fat over lean. . to use spar, though. Linseed oil, also known as flaxseed oil, is one of the most popular wood finishes in the world. For the final coat, ensure to apply as fine as possible. Also to know is, how do you use boiled linseed oil? It is easy to care for, eco-friendly, and produces a satin finish that really brings out the color and grain of . You can brush it on if you'd like as well, but I prefer a rag. How to mix and apply a boiled linseed oil and polyurethane mix for the perfect finish.Subscribe for weekly woodworking projects: http://www.youtube.com/user/. - Stuff like Formby Tung Oil is a mix of tung oil, polyurethane, and mineral spirits. I finished it with boiled linseed oil and then put a first coat of water-based polyurethane on it. If desired, you can mix with linseed oil with 20 percent turpentine. Apply Thin Coats Of Polyurethane. You could also used an oil/polyurethane blend over epoxy. Yes, you can put linseed oil over polyurethane. If you want to get real fancy, you could put epoxy, then oil, then shellac. Applying the oil is a process that involves stages. Today we get numerous substitutes for linseed oil. Here are some key differences between linseed oil and tung oil: Linseed oil carries a slight yellow tint, whereas tung oil dries to a clear finish. Polyurethane . Some rules to remember if you want to mix stain into polyurethane: You can not mix water-based formula and oil-based formula or vice versa. Make sure you apply a good amount to the surface, not just a light coat. If the surface still feels tacky after several weeks, it may have been finished with raw linseed oil. However, Can You Mix Stain and Polyurethane Together? Using your brush, apply the linseed oil and turps to the wood. The Recipe. Finish off with wax and buffing. You can buy things like boiled linseed oil and mineral spirits in large gallon jugs, and then purchase the varnish as needed. You do tend to see an increase in drying time, but contrary to many statement to the contrary online the oil will cure perfectly well under a coat of poly, because the varnish is not at all a perfect oxygen barrier. However, the amount and type of linseed oil used will have a direct impact on the finished product. Once done, wait for it to dry. As explained earlier, you need 3 coats of polyurethane to seal latex paint. It would be like brushing or spraying a wet coat of Danish Oil and not wiping off the excess. Conclusion Next time you could probably even mix 50/50 poly and BLO when you apply it on the lathe. Adding varnish into linseed oil is a way to make the linseed oil a little more protective and durable - not much, but a little. Can water-base go over oil-base? But, you should know that linseed oil works best when used over oil-based polyurethane due to the high level of oils in both finishes. Wipe/rub on the boiled linseed oil. Simply stick to 220-grit to 320-grit sandpaper. Raw linseed oil is untreated by other chemistry or heat. Spray the first light coat of polyurethane over the boiling linseed oil with a fine-bristled brush. The wood won't take a stain near as well as if it didn't have the linseed oil on it and would need to use a dye to stain it. It has been heated and thickened. Share. Remove excess oil with a clean, dry . Use one thin layer at first, and then allow it to soak into the wood. Common Uses of Linseed Oil As a finish to preserve wood products, especially those that come in contact with food (ie. Can I use polyurethane over walnut oil? Also, linseed oil takes a very long time to dry sufficiently for top coating. I believe he said he even had a bunch of linseed oil I could use. And yes, you can mix up enough to use over several days/a week. Once you have boiled the mixture for a few minutes, take the pan to where you will be adding the linseed oil. finishing polyurethane water-protection tung-oil. Linseed oil is slow drying. So use your fast-drying mediums for your initial thin layers and your slower-drying ones for later layers. Make your own oil/poly blend with boiled linseed oil, polyurethane and mineral spirits. However, the advantages of this natural finish are worth the learning curve. Do it the other way around. Exterior varnishes tend to have more oil. Linseed oil will seal the wood so if someone is trying to stain dark they will have a problem. If you apply polyurethane before the linseed oil is thoroughly dry, the linseed oil and polyurethane will mix right on the wood and create an oil/varnish blend, which will never get hard. This is an important tutorial! Mix, wipe on, rub in with 320 wet/dry sand paper in circular motion keeping wet for a few minutes, wipe dry, let dry overnite, and repeat till happy. Tip: While applying the final coat, don't go back and forth with the paintbrush. Now, what if drying time isn't your concern, and instead you . . Feel the surface of the wood. One answer seems to be: "no, don't ever mix oil base and water base", which is obvious for fresh materials. When you want to apply a clear finish to a wood table or cabinet, you have a choice between penetrating oils and varnishes. Remember, you only need thin coats of polyurethane. Be careful with how long you leave the pigment layer on the wood. It's probably the best seal coat around. Thus, you would be ill-advised to use boiled linseed oil on outdoor furniture. Tru-oil is a rather thin oil finish. For certain types of bricks a mix of boiled linseed oil and turps can be used. My thoughts were I would use a few layers of Tung oil and then a layer or two of polyurethane. Prepare a 50/50 Solution: Linseed and Turpentine You need 50% of linseed oil and 50% turpentine. They are the most common type of stain and often consist of linseed oil or occasionally a mixture of varnish and linseed oil as the binder. > Answer ( 1 of 2 ): Turpentine is a fast-drying.! 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can you mix linseed oil with polyurethane